Finally, we have spoken and they listened. Amazon has made major updates to their protocol on seller’s account suspensions. The good news is that they are easing up on the standard protocol which will be more favorable to sellers and provide sellers an opportunity to avoid suspension through a effective POA prior to being suspended.
Previously, Amazon sellers would face the notice of death, where they would find their account suspended, their selling privilege removed, and their funds frozen immediately upon a policy violation. Amazon has changed this with their new “pre POA” process.
What is this new “Pre POA” you ask?
A POA – also known as Plan of Action – was previously the primary method for a seller who was stuck in this predicament with Amazon. Upon suspension, the seller would receive “the notice”, and their only remedy to fixing the issue and reinstatement would be a plan of action that Amazon at its exclusive discretion would approve or deny. Time and Time again we have heard from sellers about how difficult, vague, and unfair this process was where Amazon could at its own discretion, with or without merit, decide the fate of the seller and their livelihood with little to no recourse.
With the new policy and changes, now Amazon is asking sellers to submit POAs prior to a suspension, thereby allowing a seller to take action and fix a potential issue prior to Amazon taking such harsh actions against their account.