When trauma happens, it places individuals at risk for developing certain medical conditions like Post-Traumatic Arthritis (PTA). It is a type of arthritis characterized by joint inflammation originating from previous damages brought about by unforeseeable circumstances such as car collisions or sporting accidents. However, if someone else’s negligence led to such incidents occurring, potential compensation is available – this is where LA Law Group comes into play; we have expert post-traumatic arthritis injury attorneys ready to assist in ensuring that justice is served.
As a dedicated law firm, we are well-aware of the heart-wrenching pain and trauma that an individual affected by Post-Traumatic Amnesia (PTA) has to endure. The question is – where do such incidents most usually occur?
The answer is not fixed, but accidents resulting in PTA have been observed more frequently in high-risk environments such as construction sites, sports fields or roadways.
A comprehensive study by the California Office of Traffic Safety found out that close to 4,235 individuals were wounded due to traffic collisions throughout Los Angeles County in 2019. These unfortunate scenarios resulted from various reasons across different settings across rural and urban regions. The possibility of developing PTA after sustaining an injury necessitates seeking medical attention immediately to prevent severe complications from arising.
In California, numerous emergency care facilities exist that cater to patients with traumatic injury needs; among these centers lies Cedars-Sinai Medical Center based in Los Angeles- lauded as a premier hospital in the state known for its specialists’ proficiency. For individuals who have suffered an injury resulting in long-term disabilities such as PTA, there are few places better equipped than Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center or Stanford Health Care for finding effective therapies and treatments. Through their highly-skilled teams working tirelessly alongside specialized equipment and resources unique only available at these two institutions – every patient can expect nothing short but excellent attention until recovery is achieved! The incidence of arthritis in America is startlingly high and continues to rise, posing significant concerns for public health management.
Research suggests that trauma plays a considerable role in numerous cases of this condition among patients.
According to statistics from the California Office of Traffic Safety for 2019, there were over 3,400 casualties stemming from vehicle crashes across the state while more than twelve thousand people sustained injuries as well.
To receive expert legal counsel and representation if faced with PTA after an accident due to someone else’s carelessness, engage an experienced post-traumatic arthritis injury lawyer. When facing complex legal battles, having an ally by your side can make all the difference.
As passionate advocates for our clients, LA Law Group is committed to fighting tirelessly on their behalf in pursuit of justice and fair compensation. Contact us today and let us help you achieve the resolution you deserve.