Most products we buy whether online, wholesale, or retail come with some sort of a return policy and a warranty. In fact, some states require the items to carry this warranty to be retailed. Nonetheless, manufacturers are frequently denying warranty requests, and allowing consumers to be left without recourse.

For eCommerce merchants, this means that at the time of buying your inventory -research the warranty well as you may be unpleasantly surprised. We have many instances with nationally recognized household brands willingly refuse to warrant items, stating the items are “damaged” whereby the item has no damage, stating that they only warrant to the end user, stating that the item doesn’t have warranty, that the warranty is for a different region, or a host of other inaccurate and merit-less excuses, none of which would provide remedy to the merchant or a end user.

Its quite unfortunate that such matters require an experienced attorney who is aggressive enough to face these companies and enforce the terms of their warranty.

Our tip – read the terms of the warranty verbatim. In most instances your rights are clearly indicated there. If you need assistance in such matters, please feel free to reach LA Law Group and we would be happy to help.