Alert: Amazon Sellers:
Seller Suspensions on the rise.
Amazon has a number of reasons why they suspend sellers. One new issue we saw trending are “Velocity Limits”. This is generally triggered due to Amazon’s “bots” who detect disproportional sales at an item or account level and flag the account for “Velocity Limits”. In such circumstances Amazon either withholds your disbursements, suspends the ASIN, or suspends the account.
In Q4, most of our Amazon Seller clients experience growth in sales and some are affected by the “Velocity Limits” issue.
We are familiar with how to handle velocity limits and have helped many sellers navigate through this. Initially, you as the seller will need to demonstrate to Amazon why the product(s) had an increase in sales, whether it be due to the holiday or seasonal demand for the products, advertising, or other efforts that you have taken to drive traffic and sales to the item.
Amazon will often as well want to review your purchase receipts to ensure you have purchased adequate inventory to supply the increased demand. Lastly, Amazon will monitor the performance to make sure the item(s) are timely shipped and delivered to buyers without buyer complaints.
Velocity Limits are one of the many issues we face daily at LA Law Group. We continue to fight for our clients and for Amazon sellers to ensure that they continue their success in selling on Amazon.
If you have any specific questions which you’d like us to write about, or need a free consultation regarding an issue you are having with Amazon, please feel free to contact us.