We have seen trends of Amazon responding differently to sellers who have submitted a Plan of Action for the reinstatement of their account

Previously – when a seller account on Amazon was suspended, Amazon would respond with a generic boilerplate providing sellers with little to no help on navigating through their suspension and working their way back to reinstate

We have found that in our recent sets of Appeals – Amazon responded with direct information as to the problem(s) the plan of action needed to address, i.e. the specific buyer complaints which need to be addressed. This is monumental for individual sellers who have been unable to identify the cause(s) leading to their suspension and can provide a clear path and uidance on how to get reinstated.

We must take a moment to thank all the Amazon sellers who faced these issues without this guidance, and vocalized this issues adequately to catch Amazon’s attention so they could refine this process. Amazon is likely the best platforms for sellers to sell merchandise on through eCommerce, nonetheless these sellers generally are some of the most difficult, online businesses, and this knew change gives Amazons sellers a fighting chance when facing off with Amazon for the reinstatement of their account.